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Some stories require a little more – a little more discussion, more context, more depth and breadth. 

That’s the idea behind “Behind the Blue” – a weekly podcast created by UK Strategic Communications. It is designed to explore through probing interviews the in-depth the stories that make UK the university for Kentucky and that have impact across the institution, the Commonwealth and, in some cases, the world. 

"Behind the Blue" is available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify. Become a subscriber to receive new episodes of “Behind the Blue” each week. UK’s latest medical breakthroughs, research, artists and writers will be featured, along with the most important news impacting the university.

For questions or comments about this or any other episode of "Behind the Blue," email or tweet your question with #BehindTheBlue. Transcripts for this or other episodes of Behind the Blue can be downloaded from the show’s blog page.

To discover what’s wildly possible at the University of Kentucky, click here.

Jun 24, 2021

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 24, 2021) – Jen Smith is an instructor in the School of Journalism and a self-described recovering sportswriter who worked for the Lexington Herald-Leader in various positions for more than 20 years, including writer, copy editor and designer.

While working in the sports department, she covered...

Jun 17, 2021

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 17, 2021) – Members of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees today are considering a proposed $5.1 billion UK budget for 2021-2022. The budget describes how the university funds the salaries of some 20,000 employees, sets tuition for 30,000 students and details the operations of a hospital...

Jun 10, 2021

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 10, 2021) – Medical trauma, the emotional and physiological reactions that many children with medical conditions and their family members experience, happens to millions of people and can cause a variety of adverse reactions, regardless of the severity of the medical condition being treated.


Jun 3, 2021

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 3, 2021) – Crystal Wilkinson is an associate professor of English at the University of Kentucky and an award-winning author. Her novel, The Birds of Opulence was the winner of the 2016 Ernest J. Gaines Prize for Literary Excellence. She is also the author of Water Street and Blackberries,...