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Some stories require a little more – a little more discussion, more context, more depth and breadth. 

That’s the idea behind “Behind the Blue” – a weekly podcast created by UK Strategic Communications. It is designed to explore through probing interviews the in-depth the stories that make UK the university for Kentucky and that have impact across the institution, the Commonwealth and, in some cases, the world. 

"Behind the Blue" is available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify. Become a subscriber to receive new episodes of “Behind the Blue” each week. UK’s latest medical breakthroughs, research, artists and writers will be featured, along with the most important news impacting the university.

For questions or comments about this or any other episode of "Behind the Blue," email or tweet your question with #BehindTheBlue. Transcripts for this or other episodes of Behind the Blue can be downloaded from the show’s blog page.

To discover what’s wildly possible at the University of Kentucky, click here.

Apr 9, 2020

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 9, 2020) – Kentucky is currently one of 14 states that has postponed its election primary. The voting day in the Commonwealth has been changed from May 19 to June 23. As states around the country weigh the costs of postponing vs. the potential risks of keeping schedules in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are beginning to discuss what all of this may mean for the general election in November.

On this special edition of the Behind the Blue, Joshua A. Douglas provides some insight as to how these situations are playing out around the country. Douglas is the Thomas P. Lewis Professor of Law at UK’s J. David Rosenberg College of Law. He teaches and researches election law and voting rights, civil procedure, constitutional law and judicial decision making. Douglas is the author of ‘Vote for US: How to Take Back our Elections and Change the Future of Voting’, a book that aims to provide hope and inspiration for a positive path forward on voting rights.

"Behind the Blue" is available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify. Become a subscriber to receive new episodes of “Behind the Blue” each week. UK’s latest medical breakthroughs, research, artists and writers will be featured, along with the most important news impacting the university.

For questions or comments about this or any other episode of "Behind the Blue," email or tweet your question with #BehindTheBlue. Transcripts for this or other episodes of Behind the Blue can be downloaded from the show’s blog page. You can watch a video version of this podcast here.

To discover what’s wildly possible at the University of Kentucky, click here.