Jul 18, 2016
Drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, and opioid addiction is a primary driver of this epidemic. The American Society of Addiction Medicine reports that an estimated 23% of individuals who use heroin develop an opioid addiction.
On this episode of Behind the Blue, we're joined by Dr. Catherine Martin, the Dr. Laurie L. Humphries Chair in Child Psychiatry at UK. Dr. Martin is currently working on research grants investigating individual differences related to drug effects in children, adolescents, and adults.
The UK Department of Psychiatry's clinical services include a model clinic for the treatment of adolescent substance abuse or adolescents at high risk of substance abuse. The clinic operates within a treatment program entitled Adolescent Health and Recovery Treatment and Training (AHARTT). Dr. Martin joins us to discuss the work the clinic and the AHARTT program has performed, and the benefits provided to healthcare workers across the state.
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